Vaccination Status
What is the vaccination status of new cases?
Currently there is limited data available on vaccination status.
NSW Health provide the vaccination status of cases retrospectively via weekly surveillance reports. This includes the vaccination status of hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths among cases diagnosed with COVID-19.
SA Health provide the vaccination status of cases admitted to hospital via the COVID-19 Twitter update and media release.
TAS Department of Health provide the vaccination status of cases retrospectively via weekly surveillance reports.
VIC Deparment of Health occassionally publish the vaccination status of cases admitted to hospital and ICU in the daily department media release.
What is the source for Vaccinations?
Doses are sourced from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), population from ABS ERP June 2020.
Vaccination rates may exceed 100% due to outdated Census 2016 population datasets.
Source: Australian Government Department of Health via Ken Tsang
Why do the National numbers differ to state/territory?
From 1 July 2021, two unique datasets have been published.
Vaccinations by Provider location is sourced from the Australian Immunisation Register and self reported data. It includes a breakdown of doses administered by State and Territory clinics (Hubs), Aged Care and Disability Facilities, and Primary Care (GPs).
Vaccinations by State or Territory of residence is also sourced from the Australian Immunisation Register. The National population will not equal the sum of listed jurisdictions due to a small number of people residing in some 'other' territories. First and Second dose breakdowns are only available by residence.
Source of Infection
How do we define overseas vs local acquisition?
State and territory totals reflect where a person has been tested and public health management occurred.
Overseas acquired (OSEAS)
The person was infected while overseas (including at sea).
Locally acquired - interstate travel (I/STATE)
The person was infected in Australia, but not in the reporting jurisdiction.
VIC DH do not consider interstate acquired cases as 'local'.
Locally acquired - known contact (CONT)
The person was infected in Australia through contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19.
Locally acquired - unknown contact (UNKN)
The person was infected in Australia, but the source of infection is not known.
Under investigation (INVES)
The source of infection has not yet been determined, but is currently being investigated through public health actions.
Source: Australian Government Department of Health
Active Cases
How are active cases calculated?
Active cases are calculated as: total confirmed cases excluding persons recovered and lives lost.
This rule can differ between jurisdictions.

NSW Health
Active COVID-19 cases are defined as people who have tested positive for COVID-19, are in isolation and are being clinically monitored by NSW Health. Cases are considered active for 14 days after their symptom onset date. Cases who have been hospitalised are considered active until they are discharged.

Department of Health Victoria
When the LGA is not yet known it will not show in the active numbers.
A small number of cases that are not contactable are considered to have recovered after 28 days from diagnoses.

Queensland Health
Each day, total cases may not equal active plus recovered plus deaths, as information for some cases is still pending and will be updated in due course.
How long does it take a case to recover?
Cases can be released from isolation if they meet the appropriate criteria:
Asymptomatic - Fully vaccinated
10 days since the first positive test and no symptoms. Some jurisdictions may support earlier release at 7 days.
Asymptomatic - Unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated
14 days since the first positive test and no symptoms. Some jurisdictions may support earlier release at 10 days.
Mild illness - Fully vaccinated
10 days since the first positive test and no symptoms. Some jurisdictions may support earlier release at 7 days.
Mild illness - Unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated
14 days since the first positive test and no symptoms. Some jurisdictions may support earlier release at 10 days.
Hospitalised - Fully vaccinated
14 days since onset of symptoms and 72 hours with no symptoms.
Hospitalised - Unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated
20 days since onset of symptoms and 72 hours with no symptoms.
7 to 14 days since the first positive test. In addition, 7 days since onset of symptoms and at least two negative tests 24 hours apart.
Source: CDNA National guidelines

NSW Health
A time-limited survey is undertaken to measure the recovery status of patients with COVID-19 three weeks after the onset of illness, by interviewing the case. This survey is suspended while focusing on an increase in community transmission.
What are reclassifications?
Reclassifications can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common are false-positives and duplication.
Duplicate entries may occur when a confirmed case has multiple health professionals reporting positive test results.
COVID LIVE track both the 'net' movement of cases in the history, and 'new' on the home page and in data sources.
How is the number of tests calculated?
Test numbers reflect the number of tests processed and results received in the last 24 hours.
They do not reflect the number of swabs taken. Tests may have been conducted over several days prior.
Queensland Health are the only department reporting the number of 'persons tested' in addition.
NSW Health is different to how tests are counted. Multiple tests on the same person on any one day are only counted as one test, regardless of the results.
Why does the NSW confirmed death total not match the state health department total?
Currently NSW and QLD state health departments are reporting two of the same deaths. These dates occurred on 8 Apr 20 and 18 Apr 20.
At the beginning of the pandemic, all states agreed cases will be counted in the state in which they are managed.
The two people were QLD residents who died in NSW.